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South East
Widgit Centre supports those working with:
children and adults
children only
adults only
Area: | Berkshire |
Name: | Achieving for Children |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre supporting Local Authority Schools |
Info: |
Specialist Advisory Teaching Service
We create and teach bespoke interventions for pupils with SEN and EAL |
Contact: | Clair Colton |
Tel: | 07760 241472 |
Email: | Clair.Colton@achievingforchildren.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.rbwm.gov.uk |
Area: | Buckinghamshire |
Name: | AIW (Autism, Inclusion & Wellbeing) Consultancy |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre supporting Local Authority Schools, Families and the community |
Info: |
We help square pegs fit into round holes by cherishing and valuing the square pegs whilst expanding the round holes until they fit. We strongly believe that all behaviour is a form of communication. As the adults we need to work out what our children and young people are really trying to communicate. Then help them to find their voice to get their needs met in an appropriate way. Widgit software is an excellent way to help with this communication need. We work in homes, schools and the community and can offer advice, support and training. |
Contact: | Cheryl Kennedy |
Tel: | 01908 307738 |
Email: | Cheryl@aiwmk.co.uk |
Website: | www.aiwmk.co.uk/ |
Area: | Buckinghamshire |
Name: | Buckinghamshire Speech and Language Therapy Service |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre supporting Local Authority Schools |
Info: |
Team of Speech and Language Therapists working in Mainstream and Special Schools throughout Buckinghamshire, supporting children with physical difficulties, learning difficulties, hearing impairment and Specific Language disorders. |
Contact: | Theresa Drake |
Address: | Oakridge Health Centre, 240 Desborough Avenue, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 2QR |
Tel: | 01494 426888 |
Email: | theresa.drake@nhs.net |
Area: | Dover |
Name: | Whitfield and Aspen School |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
Whitfield and Aspen school is an inclusive school with both mainstream provision and the district special provision. Aspensmile is a new facility offering advice, training and outreach services on a range of issues relating to special educational needs. |
Contact: | Cathy Bolton |
Address: | Mayfield Rd, Whitfield, Dover, CT16 3LJ |
Tel: | 01304 826416 |
Email: | 8862471.aspensmile@whitfield.kent.sch.uk |
Area: | East Sussex |
Name: | Communication, Learning and Autism Support Service (CLASS) |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre Supporting Local Authority Schools |
Info: |
We are a service that offers advice and support to schools in East Sussex for children with speech, language, communication, Autism and literacy difficulties. Widgit Software is used as a tool to enable the children with these difficulties and others to access the curriculum. We can provide training in InPrint 3 and Widgit Online - through training events, which include task, based learning activities. |
Contact: | Allison Marsden |
Address: | Communication, Learning and Autism Support Service (C.L.A.S.S), H Floor, East Block, County Hall, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1UE |
Tel: | 01273 336887 |
Email: | Allison.marsden@eastsussex.gov.uk |
Website: | www.eastsussex.gov.uk |
Area: | Essex |
Name: | Corbets Tey School |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre supporting Local Authority Schools across the county |
Info: |
Corbets Tey School has Specialist Status for Communication and Interaction and has developed its Language work both internally for pupils and externally for Mainstream Schools and other partners. The Language Resource Centre is open every Thursday afternoons from 1.15 – 5.00 p.m. as a resource centre for schools and settings across the Borough. SENCOs and other staff can browse, borrow and discuss Programmes with staff and members of the Borough's Speech, Language and Communication Service. |
Contact: | Susan Cumbers |
Email: | scumbers@corbetstey.havering.sch.uk |
Website: | www.corbetsteyschool.org.uk |
Area: | Essex |
Name: | DreamBox Education |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre working alongside families and any organisations, including local authorities, that are involved in supporting individuals with additional needs and autism. |
Info: |
DreamBox believe everyone has a right to achieve their full potential and to experience life in all its fullness, no matter what! It is their belief that the key to unlocking the hidden potential and ability of individuals with additional needs lies in empowering them and their support networks; parents, carers, teachers and support worker etc whether that be through 1:1 support sessions, small groups or larger training. Dream Box delivers a bespoke service for all clients, combining years of experience and training in additional needs and autism, with the knowledge and understanding of the individual/scenario. |
Contact: | Natasha Lowrie |
Address: | 56 Thaxted Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, IG9 6AW |
Tel: | 07947 730797 |
Email: | Tasha@dreamboxeducation.co.uk |
Area: | Essex |
Name: | Essex County Council (PSIST) Physical and Neurological Impairment Specialist Teaching Service |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre supporting Local Authority Schools across the county |
Info: |
The Physical and Neurological impairment (PNI) team work with schools and other educational settings to support children and young people aged 0 to 25 with PNI. This support includes identifying help needed and giving advice to the education setting. |
Contact: | Catherine Hills |
Address: | East Wing, Goodman House, Station Approach, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2ET |
Tel: | 0333 032 0619 |
Email: | catherine.hills@essex.gov.uk |
Area: | Hampshire |
Name: | Rachel Madocks Outreach Program (Hampshire) |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
Rachel Madocks is a special needs school for both SLD and PMLD students from 3 to 19 years old. We can provide training on Widgit programs and outreach on how to successfully Widgit symbols and software with ASD pupils and those with MLD, SLD and PMLD in all curriculum areas and in everyday life. |
Contact: | Mave Ash |
Address: | Rachel Madocks Special School, Eagle Avenue, Cowplain, PO8 9XP |
Tel: | 02392241818 |
Email: | a.ash@rachelmadocks.hants.sch.uk |
Website: | www.rachelmadocksschool.co.uk |
Area: | Hampshire |
Name: | Communication and Interaction Team |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
A multidisciplinary team of Specialist Teacher Advisors, Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists; employed by the local authority to support pupils with EHCPs, across the key stages, in both mainstream and special school environments. |
Contact: | Lynne Ralston |
Address: | Communication & Interaction Team Leader, Dame Mary Fagan House, Lutyens Close, Basingstoke, RG24 8AG |
Tel: | 07784 263328 |
Email: | Lynne.ralston@hants.gov.uk |
Website: | https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth |
Area: | Hertfordshire |
Name: | Woolgrove School Outreach Department, Herts |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre Supporting Local Authority Schools |
Info: |
The Outreach Department consists of a team of experienced teachers, with mainstream experience, who are an integral part of the school. We support pupils with significant difficulties who are in mainstream schools, as well as supporting the staff who work with them, helping staff to become more inclusive. We take a holistic approach to our work and can offer SEN - related INSET training and support to schools. We also have a Resources Bank which staff from local schools are welcome to use. |
Contact: | Sharon Knight |
Address: | Woolgrove School, Pryor Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 2PT |
Tel: | 01462 622100 |
Email: | outreach@woolgrove.herts.sch.uk sharonknight@woolgrove.herts.sch.uk |
Website: | www.woolgrove.herts.sch.uk |
Area: | Hertfordshire |
Name: | Colnbrook School |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
Colnbrook School uses InPrint throughout the day to produce a range of visual systems, including behaviour management tools and adaptations to published teaching and learning materials. Parent support groups, run by the Outreach team, are offered and Widgit resources are frequently made for parents and children to use at home. The school also offers ‘Communication workshops’ which are run by the Speech and Language Therapist based at the school when Widgit symbols are used to demonstrate the value of using a visual approach to aid learning. |
Contact: | Jane Dalton / Jane Bradley |
Address: | Hayling Road, South Oxhey, Watford, WD19 7UY |
Tel: | 0208 428 1281 |
Email: |
Area: | Hertfordshire |
Name: | SEND Specialist Advice and Support (Specific Learning Difficulties Team) Integrated Services for Learning Hertfordshire County Council |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre Supporting Local Authority Schools |
Info: |
We support Hertfordshire mainstream primary and secondary schools in meeting the needs of children and young people with persistent literacy and numeracy difficulties through advice, training, assessment, interventions, resources and modelling. |
Contact: | Nicki Ross |
Address: | Apsley Campus, Brindley Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9BF |
Tel: | 01442 454142 |
Email: | |
Website: | https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk |
Area: | Kent |
Name: | Resources for Inclusion |
Centre Type: | Widgit Trainer |
Info: |
Widgit Trainers are a country-wide network of experienced trainers who can offer a wide range of services to all members of the community. |
Contact: | Kirby Woods |
Tel: | 01322 440016 |
Email: | kirbywoods@gmail.com |
Area: | Kent |
Name: | Kent and Medway Communication and Assistive Technology Service (KM CAT) |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
Widgit Centre supporting local authority schools. |
Contact: | Claire Ottaway |
Address: | The Old Railway School, Wainwright Place, Ashford, Kent, TN29 OHY |
Tel: | 01233 629 859 |
Email: | claire.ottaway@nhs.net |
Website: | www.kelsi.org.uk/kentcat |
Area: | Kent |
Name: | Sevenoaks Specialist Teaching and Learning Service |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
The Sevenoaks District Specialist Teaching and Learning Service is based at Valence School and aims to provide high quality advice, support, information, training and outreach to mainstream pre-schools, schools and parents. The Specialist Teaching and Learning Service works alongside other professionals in providing effective and co-ordinated support. Our aim as a team is that children and young people with Special Educational Needs can have their learning, physical, social and emotional needs met, so that they can be fully included at school and make good educational progress. The Team provide training across all the specialist dimensions at their Professional Learning Centre at Valence School in Westerham. |
Contact: | Susie Cassie |
Address: | Sevenoaks Specialist Teaching and Learning Service, Valence School, Westerham, Kent, TN16 1QN |
Tel: | 01959 562156 |
Email: | scassie@valence.kent.sch.uk |
Website: | www.valenceschool.com |
Area: | Kent |
Name: | Find A Voice |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
We support children and adults with severe communication difficulties. We provide:
Contact: | Marian Edgeworth |
Address: | 49 Beaver Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5NU |
Tel: | 01233 640443 |
Email: | Speak@findavoice.org.uk |
Website: | www.findavoice.org.uk |
Area: | Kent |
Name: | Charlotte Wilson and Associates |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre and Trainer |
Info: |
Charlotte Wilson and Associates is a Kent-based independent speech and language therapy service. We provide a range of different services according to the needs of the individual. Intervention may be based in the child's home or at their school. It may be face to face intervention or it may take the form of advice to teaching staff. We also provide a comprehensive training service available to all educational establishments. |
Contact: | Charlotte Wilson |
Address: | 5 Vale Road, Ramsgate, Kent, CT1 1LU |
Tel: | 07875 486 936 |
Email: | info@cwilson.co.uk |
Area: | Kent |
Name: | Dartford Specialist Teaching and Learning Service |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
Dartford STLS is a service for mainstream schools and early years settings commissioned by Kent County Council. The Specialist Teaching and Learning Service (STLS) Team aim to advise and support early years' settings and schools in Dartford District to build the capacity and confidence of staff to deliver high quality provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to improve pupil progress and outcomes. A collaborative problem solving approach, using the skills and experience of STLS staff together with the expertise in all settings and schools, lies at the heart of the service delivery. Based at Rowhill school, the STLS are part of a wider network of services from Education, Health and Social Care, bringing children's services together to ensure seamless provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). A wide range of training workshops for professionals, are offered at Rowhill School. In addition, bespoke training packages are delivered to settings and schools throughout Dartford, where appropriate. |
Contact: | Kirby Woods |
Address: | Rowhill School, Main Road, Longfield, Kent, DA3 7PW |
Tel: | 01474 705377 Ext 138 |
Email: | woodsk@rowhill.kent.sch.uk |
Website: | www.rowhill.kent.sch.uk |
Area: | Kent |
Name: | Thanet Inclusion Support Service |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
The Thanet Inclusion Support Service is based at Laleham Gap School and provides Inclusion / Specialist Support for mainstream schools and settings in Thanet. |
Contact: | Ruth Jones |
Address: | Thanet Inclusion Support Service, Laleham Gap School, Ozengell Place, Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 6FH |
Tel: | 01843 570598 |
Email: | ruth.jones@lgs.kent.sch.uk |
Website: | www.laleham-gap.kent.sch.uk |
Area: | Kent |
Name: | The Beacon |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
The Beacon is an all-age school (3-19 years) offering pupils with complex needs, profound and severe learning difficulties and physical and sensory impairments a wide range of educational experiences. The Beacon also co-ordinates the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service (STLS) for the Folkestone and Hythe District. The STLS aim to advise and support Early Years settings and schools to build the capacity, and confidence to deliver high quality provision and inclusive practice for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), to improve pupil progress and outcomes. |
Contact: | Russell Ames |
Address: | The Beacon, Park Farm Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 5DN |
Tel: | 01303 847555 |
Email: | russell.ames@thebeacon.kent.sch.uk |
Website: | www.thebeacon.kent.sch.uk |
Area: | Kent |
Name: | Swale Specialist Teaching and Learning Service |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
The Specialist Teaching and Learning Team for the Swale District aim to advise and support Early Years’ settings and schools to build capacity and confidence to deliver high quality provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to improve pupil progress and outcomes. A collaborative problem-solving approach, using the skills and experience of specialist teachers together with the expertise of schools and other professionals, lies at the heart of the service delivery. STLS are part of a wider network of services from Education, Health and Social Care bringing children’s services together to ensure seamless provision for children and young people with SEND. |
Contact: | Rebecca Kenny |
Address: | Swale Specialist Teaching and Learning Service,Meadowfield School, Swanstree Avenue, Sittingbourne, ME10 4NL |
Tel: | 01795 477788 Opt 7 |
Email: | Rebecca.Kenny@meadowfield.kent.sch.uk |
Website: | https://www.meadowfield.kent.sch.uk/midas-and-stls/ |
Area: | Oxford |
Name: | ACE Centre South |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre and Trainer |
Info: |
The ACE Centre Advisory Trust provides assessments, training, R & D, information, advice, consultancy and equipment loans to support the use of assistive technology for communication and learning for people with physical and communication disabilities across the South of England, South Wales and the Channel Islands. |
Contact: | Rachel Moore |
Address: | The Stables, Jericho Farm Barns, Yarnton Road, Cassington, Oxfordshire OX29 4SZ |
Tel: | 01865 759800 |
Email: | rmoore@acecentre.org.uk |
Website: | www.acecentre.org.uk |
Area: | Reading |
Name: | The Avenue School Consultancy Service |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre |
Info: |
Advice and training available from:
Contact: | Liz Gilbert |
Address: | The Avenue School, Conwy Close, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4BZ |
Tel: | 0118 937 5554 |
Email: | gilberte@avenue.reading.sch.uk |
Area: | Slough |
Name: | Arbour Vale School |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre Trainer |
Info: |
Arbour Vale School is a special school situated on the outskirts of Slough - provides education for approximately 250 pupils between 3 and 19 years old. |
Contact: | Clare Walker |
Address: | Farnham Road, Farnham Royal, Slough, Berkshire, SL2 3AE |
Tel: | 01753 515 560 |
Email: | clare.walker@arbourvaleschool.org |
Area: | Surrey |
Name: | Specialist ICT |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre supporting Local Authority Schools |
Info: |
Surrey Widgit Centre Team is a multi-service team offering support, training and/or assessments to pupils in Surrey schools. The different services can offer the following:
Contact: | Ros Eames / Nicki Gossington |
Address: | Fairmount House, Bull Hill, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7AH |
Tel: | 01483 517846 |
Email: | nicki.gossington@surreycc.gov.uk |
Area: | Tonbridge |
Name: | Nexus Foundation Special School Outreach |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre supporting Local Authority Schools |
Info: |
Nexus Foundation Special School is an all age community special school for children with Profound, Severe and Complex learning difficulties, many of whom are on the Autistic Spectrum. Nexus Foundation Special School is the District Special School for Tonbridge and Malling and has places for up to 100 pupils aged 2 to 19 years old. |
Contact: | Judi Beggs |
Address: | Upper Haysden Lane, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 8AA |
Tel: | 01732 771 384 |
Email: | judi.beggs@stls.nexusschool.org.uk |
Area: | UK wide |
Name: | Linrow Education |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre supporting Local Authority Schools, organisations and parents groups. |
Info: |
Karen is the Founder and Principal Trainer for Linrow Education. She was appointed as a Specialist Leader in Education for Autism and this allows her to disseminate good practice and deliver training in the field of SEND. Karen offers various SEND and condition specific training, including ASC, ADHD and Dyslexia and has used and recommended Widgit Software widely to support many pupils. |
Contact: | Karen Ferguson |
Tel: | 07887 485300 |
Email: | karen@linroweducation.co.uk |
Area: | UK wide |
Name: | AT Therapy |
Centre Type: | Widgit Centre Supporting Local Authority Schools and parents |
Info: |
AT therapy are an expert team of speech and language therapists who assess, diagnose, and provide therapy for people with speech, language, and communication and/or swallowing problems to help them communicate to the best of their ability. AT Therapy offer a wide range of services to meet needs, including:
In addition they have specialist expertise in the field of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT). |
Contact: | Amy Robertson |
Address: | Chambers Business Centre, Chapel Rd, Oldham, OL8 4QQ |
Tel: | 07702 332601 |
Email: | amyrobertson@attherapy.co.uk |
Website: | https://attherapy.co.uk/ |
Become a Widgit Centre
Are you a Local Authority, County Council, NHS, Charity or Independent Service that is interested in becoming a Widgit Centre? Email us at info@widgit.com to find out more information.