Alphabet eBook
From the LET'S SIGN Series of BSL

An interactive alphabet book to learn signs for letters and words, plus a PDF alphabet book to print for use away from the computer.
These interactive books are great to use at the computer or with a white board for early learning activities supported by signs and for learning signs.
Resources from Cath Smith at Deafbooks

Over 50 pages in total, with 26 full colour illustrated pictures depicting each of the 26 letters of the alphabet and the appropriate hand sign and instructions for signing 26 words in British Sign Language.
The eBook contains:
- Alphabet Pictures
- Alphabet Signs
- Alphabet Letters
- Illustrated Alphabet pages
- Basic Handshapes and terms used
- Captions to describe movement
This eBook has been developed with deaf and hearing colleagues, families and professionals in deaf education and community, to meet the growing demand for visually stimulating and colourful materials for BSL users including;
- Deaf children
- Children with special needs
- Second language learners
- Children with communication problems
- Signing with babies

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